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Inverness Public Library was built as a school, Bell’s Institution in 1841. It ceased to be a school in 1937 and functioned as a courthouse, police station and theatre before becoming a public library in 1980. Customers have access to the lending library and reference room.
Groups, exhibitions and author visits.
Reminiscence Group, Inverness Library. Last Wednesday of each month, 14:30-15:15.
Look out for up coming activities on the library notice boards and Inverness Library Facebook events page.
Regular library activities:
Bookbug Sessions – Every Thursday and Saturday morning, 11:15 to 11:45. Families can also enjoy free live online Bookbug Sessions on our HLH Facebook pages.
Lego Club – Children’s Lego Club each Wednesday at 15.00-17.00. We also have larger Duplo blocks designed for younger children ages 1½ to 5+ years.
Craft & Chat – The first Tuesday of every month at 14:30. Please bring a working project.
Inverness Library Book Group – Please Email or call us on 01349 781370 for more information or check out our Facebook for updates.
Meet the Books – Join UHI for informative presentations and a close up look at Inverness Library’s special collections, including Fraser Mackintosh book collection.
Author Visits – We hold regular author visits. Please Inverness Library Facebook for upcoming events.
Check our YouTube for author visit recordings including Dr Katy Turton’s talk ‘Women of the Revolution‘ at Inverness Reference Library.
Inverness Reference Library
Special reference collections – Highland Libraries hold a number of Special reference Collections which represent the unique collections of notable people, the rich culture and history of the Highlands, its places and traditions. Explore our special collections
Research Academic Journal Articles – Free online access to academic journal articles on High Life Highland library computers. Visit your local branch and click the ‘Access to Research’ icon on the library computers’ desktop.
Local history pamphlets
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