To build a local community hub that comes together to share ideas, ambitions and expertise that will strive to make sport, health and wellbeing opportunities and physical activity easily accessible and enjoyable for every person in the local community.
Who is Involved:
11 Clubs – 939 Participants – 110 Deliverers
Initially a group of key partners in the area met to begin to scope the project and to collectively start to map the locally sporting landscape – this group of was made up of the Head Teacher of Wick High School, Head of PE, Community Sports Hub Officer for the North the Highlands, sportscotland’s Partnership Manager, Local Active Schools Coordinator, Local Facility Manager, Local Youth Development Officer, School Pupils & local sports and activity clubs. This group have collectively helped take the project to the community as part of a series of community engagement events and follow up meetings to establish the East Caithness Community Sports Hub.
The East Caithness CSH also has strong links with the regional Sports Specific Officers.
Apex North Gymnastics Club
Caithness Badminton Association
Caithness Boxing Club
Caithness Climbers
Caithness Tora Kai Karate Club
Caithness United Football Club
Caithness Youth Darts
East End Football Club (Wick)
Wick Coastal Rowing Club
Wick Netball Club
Wick Swimming Club
East Caithness CSH events: COMING SOON!
Community Sports Hub Officer – Katie Matthews
T: 01349 781691 / 07747842713
fb: www.facebook.com/cshhighland
Twitter: @HLHSport
Active Schools Coordinator: Gary MacDonald
Facility Manager: Alan Larnoch