Instrumental Music Tuition is available for pupils in all secondary and many primary schools throughout Highland. We offer lessons (although not everything is available in all schools) in strings; brass; woodwind; percussion; drumkit; guitar; voice; piping & pipe band drumming.
Playing a musical instrument could benefit your child’s wider education in the following ways:
- Improves all aspects of health and wellbeing
- Promotes good discipline and organisational skills
- Boosts a sense of achievement
- Provides life-long skills
- Improves self-confidence
- Promotes fun and enjoyment
Playing and/or performing as part of a group builds vital social skills and the ability to cooperate with others
If there are a number of pupils interested in learning, the Instructor may see them all as a group until a decision is made about suitability for specific instruments. There may be a few simple tests involved at this stage (especially if there are a limited number of instruments available).
In Primary schools, the stage (ie. year group) at which we are able to accept pupils for lessons varies from school to school and instrument to instrument (although most vacancies tend to be P4 and above). So – if your application is rejected because there isn’t an opportunity to accept younger pupils, please try again at a later date.
Parental and family support at all stages of learning an instrument is essential. This might simply be a suitable time and place to practice regularly at home, or attendance at a performance. If you have any questions about any aspect of tuition or your childs progress, a request for the Instructor to contact you should be made to the school.