Over the past few days we have been experiencing intermittent IT service issues from our supplier.
The outages have had an impact on the server where our booking systems are held, unfortunately this means that we need to ask members who made any bookings between Monday 26th July and Thursday 29th July (inclusive) to rebook on the system.
Even if you have already booked your space and received an email confirmation, the system may not have saved your information. Therefore, we would still ask that you rebook your space to avoid any disappointment.
You can rebook directly online at the button below or call your local leisure centre to confirm your space.

This matter is very much out of HLH’s direct control and we are doing everything possible and working with suppliers to restore services to members.
While we are operating under restricted capacities as a result of Scottish Government COVID guidelines, our on-site staff will do all they can to assist and accommodate your bookings during this time.
In the meantime, we would like to thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.