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You Time – make time for you


If you manage to keep physically and mentally active in later life and whatever your age, it can help you stay healthy and energetic and you are more likely to be able to have more independence.

We all know that doing regular physical activity can help you to continue to do all the things you’ve always enjoyed and for older adults it can also improve your strength and balance and reduce your risk of having a fall.  Activities that can help are wide ranging and can include walking as well as specialist exercise programmes.

Many High Life Highland leisure and community centres offer gentle exercise classes that help to improve physical activity, strength and balance and are led by appropriately trained exercise professionals.  The libraries and archives services also deliver a great range of interesting activities as well from book groups to tracing your family tree.

Many of these activities are included in the HLH You Time programme which is designed with the older adult in mind and offers a fantastic breadth of classes, talks, activities and exercise programmes to suit all interests and abilities.

For full programme details at each location please click on the links below.