We had a very successful Doors Open Day 2017 on Saturday, 2nd September welcoming 117 visitors through our doors to enjoy a taste of what’s on offer in archives. There was advice from our conservation and family history experts, behind-the-scene tours, display of historic Highland sporting material from Am Baile (the Highland History & Culture website), stories from the archives illustrated by displays of original documents and children’s colouring-in. We were also very excited to have on display, for one day only, the Homecoming Bible. We even had an accession on the day – a diary – and also a number of conversations about future deposits.
We always love preparing for Doors Open Day and the positive feedback we receive makes all the hard work worthwhile:
- Everyone was friendly & approachable. Should do this more often.
- We had no idea all these exciting things were in this building.
- All staff were excellent and the tour was very informative.
- Great learning experience.
We hope many who visited us will come back in and make use of our services in the future. In the meantime, please enjoy some of the moments caught on camera.