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Cradlehall Primary

Cradlehall Primary is the largest primary school in the Culloden Cluster so when it comes to running after school clubs there are usually large class sizes. In the past year the Inverness Shinty Club has made a huge impression by introducing regular sessions every week to all ages within the school. This club has now expanded in to a cluster club run from Culloden Academy on a Wednesday evening. The opportunities for youngsters by having a club involved with the school has been immense allowing them to participate in school competitions and club events. Moving forward it would be great to expand this model in to other sports and activities within the school.

Roll:    340   (49% male 51%female)
Participation:  42%  (35% Male, 49% female)
Facilities: Outdoor tarred playing area, playing field, indoor hall

2017/2018 Plan
Continue with gymnastics club after school for P1-P3. Continue to recruit new parent volunteers to support these sessions and encourage HLH Leadership Programme senior pupils to support coach with sessions.
Continue to support badminton student coach with after school sessions. Encourage student to attend Child Protection training in Term 1.
Support teachers currently delivering Orienteering after school club – recruit parent volunteers to assist with the club.
Support teacher with after school running club/athletics (Thursdays). Recruit parent volunteer to help with these sessions. Raise awareness of ongoing athletics workshops and UKCC level 1 courses.
Discuss Young Leader programme with Head Teacher to recruit selected youngsters interested in supporting after school /lunch time clubs. Deliver a 5 week block Young Leader Programme to P7s.
Recruit a new basketball coach to continue with the after school club.